The 2019 Schedule & Descriptions.

Taiyou Con 2019.
The new year opens with one of the best anime and cosplay events in Arizona. Head out to the Mesa Convention Center in downtown Mesa to enjoy the festivities. The anime convention will take place from January 11-13, 2018. Please review the schedule below. Since there are so many events happening, not all activities are listed in the schedule. All of the information will be available in the physical programming guide at Taiyou Con.
Panels and Main Events.
Click to open: Programming Grid 2019
Click to open: Programming Descriptions 2019
If anything changes…
Please make sure to follow @TaiyouProgram on Twitter for any updates on Taiyou Con programming news!
I am looking for a list of your 2019 vendors and artist alley lineup. Do you have one available?
We do not have one yet. The list, if not posted online, will be available in the programming guide.