Art Contest for 2020

Taiyou Con 2020 starts out with the annual art contest.
This time we are doing something BRAND NEW for the contest, and you have 2 chances to obtain an artist alley table valued at $115. Here are the details…
Traditional art contest involves drawing Sunny normally as an anime character according to the 2020 theme: Birthday.
Chibi art contest involves drawing Sunny in chibi form. Basically, a cute, short and small version of Sunny.
Prizes for Traditional Art Contest:
1st place– Your design will be on our guide cover and full event badges. You will receive a free table in the artist alley and a bag of merchandise.
2nd place– Your design will be used for our Saturday badges. Your art will be featured in our guide. You will receive a free full event badge.
3rd place– Your design will be used for our Friday badges. Your art will be featured in our guide.
4th & 5th place– Your designs will be featured in our guide.
Prizes for Chibi Art Contest:
1st place- Your design will be made into a pin or keychain (or both, we will notify you). You will receive a free table in the artist alley and a bag of merchandise.
2nd place- Your design will be featured in the guide. You will receive a full event badge and a bag of merchandise.
3rd place- Your design will be featured in the guide.
-Must have no background (transparent)
-Must be at 300 dpi
-Must be file type .png (preferred), .ai, or .psd
-Winner must submit an original .ai or .psd file
-Sunny must be recognizable as Sunny; long gold hair, golden eyes etc.
-All designs must be PG and contain no nudity
-A max of 2 entries per participant
-Deadline is May 31, 2019
-Email to [email protected]
-Include your legal name, and what name you would like to go by in the guide
-If you are selling or planning to sell at Taiyou Con, please buy your table ASAP and if you win your table, you will be fully refunded.
-1st place winners will need to sign a contract confirming the terms and agreements for full usage rights to the artwork.
I have experience with character designs. I would love to get involved in this opportunity if it occurs again. Check out my website.